Monday, February 8, 2010

Two ♥

Okay, it's like February now and things in school have settled down a bit..i guess. Except for that recent issue about some people but i'm guessing people already know who i'm talking about. Well i'm not gonna talk about that cause it's none of my business and i might start to swear like crazy cause it's so pissing off. So yeah. (:

Neways, school today was kinda fun except for that annoying lady who made some of us stay back a while in class during recess. Why she so pms for what?! Ish. -.- People these days, so screwed up. Sigh. Cheer today was REALLY sad. Like for serious. Gin and I were late for practice as it took us ages to get the freaking radio and when we got there, EVERYONE WAS LEAVING! In the end, we called Amanda and told her the situation and she wasn't happy either. I mean who would? 

Oh btw, I think you're such a pain. (:


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